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🟣 Icons

Icons in Homarr are automatically requested from multiple sources:

If you're unable to find the icon you're looking for, you can add your own icons.

icon picker showcase

Add your own icons

Mounting the icons folder

If you haven't already mounted an icons folder, please go back to the installation docs and follow the instructions for mounting the icons folder.

Adding your icons

Add your icons to the icons folder. The icons should be named after the app name. For example, if you want to add an icon for the app plex, the icon should be named plex.webp or plex.svg.

Using your icons

Access the icon(s) using /icons/name.webp or /icons/name.svg.


Even if you mounted the icons folder in /app/public/icons, your custom icons should be accessed by /icons/ directly.



A restart is required for the icons to be loaded.


If icons are not loading, make sure Homarr has the correct permissions to access the icons folder. Running sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/icons should fix the issue.

Caching remote icons

Homarr automatically requests icons from an external repository, but if you don't have access to the internet at all time or want to reduce network traffic, you may want to use a local cache. A cache retrieves the pictures from the external source, stores them on your local disk and serves them from there. This way, you can use Homarr without internet access and reduce the amount of requests to the external repository.


Homarr currently doesn't have automatic caching. Instead you will need to manually cache the icons.

Caching Icons Manually

We recommend to use the following script to cache all icons. It will download all icons from the external repository and replace the URLs in the configuration file.


Make a backup before running the script. The script will modify your configuration file. If you don't have a backup and something breaks, you will need to reconfigure Homarr.

Running the script

  1. Open a terminal with access to the configuration. Usually, this is on your host machine or inside your Docker container.

  2. Run the following script. Make sure to replace <your-path-to-homarr> with the path to your Homarr installation. If you're using Docker, this is usually /data/docker/homarr.


configFile="${pathToHomarr}/configs/default.json"; iconCacheDir="${pathToHomarr}/icons/cache"; mkdir -p $iconCacheDir;
cat $configFile | grep | cut -d'"' -f 4 | while read -r line; do echo "Processing $(basename $line)"; curl -o $iconCacheDir/$(basename $line) $line; done
sed -i ".`date +%F`.bak" "s%" $configFile
echo "Done! Relaunch Homarr to update the icons."